Asa. C-am zis ca scriu despre ultimu' Jarvis Cocker, "Further Complications".
Foarte de vis la prima ascultare. Excelent la a doua. La a treia (si in sus), deja e mind blowing.
Mult peste primul lui album solo (care fu foarte foarte bun) dar, na, nu peste ce a facut cu Pulp. Dar...daca anteriorul album nu prea avea nimic din Pulp, "Further Complications" are destul (mai ales la Leftovers, I Never Said That I Was Deep, You're In My Eyes (Discosong)). De fapt, are ce-i mai bun din anteriorul si ceva din Pulp, therefore, utter brilliance.
Dpdv al versurilor, este strong as ever cu versuri ca "I never said that I was deep but I am profoundly shallow/My lack of knowledge is vast and my horizons are narrow" sau "Don't write a novel - a shopping list is better" sau "I wanna love you whilst we both still have flesh upon our bones /Before we both become extinct". So yeah, it rocks to high heaven.
I give it 5 creepy Mononoke-hime thingies out of 5 creepy Mononoke-hime thingies.*
*Nou si extraordinar sistem de rating al chestiilor (filme, carti, muzica, comicsuri, bla bla bla).
5 creepy Mononoke-hime thingies = OMFG! ORGASM!
4 creepy Mononoke-hime thingies = WOOW!
3 creepy Mononoke-hime thingies = Meh, it's OK.
2 creepy Mononoke-hime thingies = Ouch! Sucks ass!
1 creepy Mononoke-hime thingy = I'd rather have skin cancer than go through this again.
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urechea mea vrea. :)
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