27 feb. 2008

Best Music 2008 (so far)

1. Goldfrapp - Seventh Tree

Evident, nu? Adica, la cat de bine arata, nu poate sa cante naspa. Si nici sa scoata albume naspa. Pusilici, baby!

2. Why? - Alopecia

Mai rock-ish decat the previous one care era rather hip-hop-ish at times. "Fatalist Palmistry" este de baza.

3. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend

Afro-pop or something. What the hell is this? Who cares as long as it's brilliant and bouncy.

4. Xiu Xiu - Women As Lovers

Weee! Sa cadem in cur de fiecare data cand scot Xiu Xiu album. Very creepy cover dupa Under Pressure (feat. Michael Gira)

In incheiere, o poza cu Alison Goldfrapp pe care o divinizam (daca nu stiti cine e, go fucking hang yourselves!):

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