How Nintendo kicked the universe's ass.
E3. Ieri. Nintendo. Wow.
Cred ca cele patru cuvinte sunt suficiente. Dupa o conferinta Microsoft destul de flasca (for lack of a better word) in care au fost prezentate Call of Duty (deja sunt vreo 4500 de jocuri in seria asta), Gears Of War 3 (sa zicem ca merge), Halo (cel mai prost FPS) si Kinect (sau Kinetic sau cum 'zda ma-sii ii zice Natalului mai nou) si inaintea unei conferinte Sony (Nici nu stiu daca a fost conferinta dar sa fim seriosi, they're the worst...worst than Apple!), Nintendo blew everyone away.
With what, you may ask?
- Zelda! Motion Plus! Wii! Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword!
- First Wii Kirby Game (si arata fabulos)
- Goldeneye! (oh da!)
- Donkey Kong Returns (stunning!)
- 3DS !!!!
- Kid Icarus!!!
- Epic Mickey!
- More Golden Sun footage!
- More Metroid Other M footage!
- 3DS !!!!!
- Zelda!
- 3DS !!!!!
Well, gosh darnit! I got goosebumps!
Way to go Nintendo! Iar au dat cu adversarii de pamant (as if anyone can hold a candle to Nintendo, ha!).
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