So, as promised, here's my review of the first episode of Melrose Place 2009.
As everyone should already know, I'm a huge fan of the original Melrose Place. Mainly because of its high camp and cheese value (and because of Heather Locklear, Marcia Cross, Laura Leighton and Daphne Zuniga).
I did not have high expectations from the new show since I saw the extended trailer on youtube. However, after watching the first episode, I was quite surprised and ravished. Sure, it's the first episode and it doesn't have the same force and power the original had (especially during the 3rd, 4th and 5th seasons - the 1st season of the original was crap as it was all about how the, then normal, cast coped with day to day issues etc.) but it has a certain panache and coolness that the original season lacked.

Top it all off with excellent cameos from Sydney (they explain her death in the 7th season - correct me if i'm wrong - with Michael actually helping her fake her death) and Michael Mancini (one of the two coolest characters from the original series) and you've got a show with a tendency for greatness. If only they could keep it up and inject it with the same campiness the original had.

So the story goes like this: new tennants in the apartment complex (completely remodelled of course but all the trademarks are there - especially the pool), Sydney gets killed off in the first minutes of the show (she will still appear through flashbacks), Michael has a son (not clear with whom, yet).
The characters are, of course, underdeveloped. It is the first episode, really.

We have the Amanda Woodward wannabe (blond publicist, she will most likely be the "bitch" of the show), the Allison - Billy wannabe couple from the original show ( an upcoming movie director and a school teacher - these are my least favourite characters as I've always hated the Allison - Billy couple with a passion), the Sydney wannabe (none other than the horrible Ashlee Simpson) who is, most likely, Sydney's daughter, the Jake wannabe (actually, two characters appear to be the Jake of the new show - Michael's son and the motorcycle guy).

The cast actually seems strong (except a few issues with Michael's son and Ashlee Simpson) and the characters will most likely turn out to be the bastards that we always missed since the original show ended.
There is talk that Josie Bissett (Jane Mancini from the original show) will appear (IMDB confirms this) and that Daphne Zuniga will appear as well in a story arc (IMDB confirms this as well). Now, if only they would somehow bring Amanda Woodward back. At least her if Marcia Cross will never be on the show (too busy starring in that awful Desperate Housewives).

All in all, I was really impressed as I was actually expecting an awful re-hash of the original show. Instead, I got a good re-hash of the original show with a bit of murder mystery in it.
Extra points for having Bright Eyes and The Killers on the soundtrack.
Now, let's hope it has good ratings and it won't get cancelled.